Organic chemistry is the branch of chemistry deals with the carbon and carbon compounds. It is the study of structure, properties, and reaction of compounds that contains carbon atoms. Carbon is unique in its ability to form strong covalent bonds with other carbon atoms and with other elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur and halogens. This ability to form a wide variety of chemical bonds makes carbon the basis for the vast majority of organic molecules found in living organisms and in the meterials that humans use every day.

Organic chemistry is a vast and complex field, with many sub-disciplines, including:

1) Biochemistry: the study of the chemical processes that occur in living organisms.

2) Medicinal chemistry: the design, development, and synthesis of pharmaceutical drugs.

3) Polymer chemistry: the study of the synthesis, properties, and applications of polymers.

4) Organic materials chemistry: the study of the synthesis and properties of organic materials, such as plastics, textiles, and fuels.

Aliphatic and Aromatic are the two basic varieties of hydrocarbons by shape. The Aliphatic hydrocarbons are of three types depending on the type of bonding, they are Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes. The single bonded hydrocarbons are known as Alkanes. The double bonded hydrocarbons are known as Alkenes. The hydrocarbons contains one or more triple bonds are known as Alkynes.

Carbohydrates are the compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Hydrocarbon are the compounds of carbon and hydrogen. Hydrocarbon compounds of hydrogen used as fuel source. 

• Petroleum is the extracted hydrocarbons in liquid form. 

• Butane and propane are the major component of LPG. 

• Butane gas is used in cigarette lighters

• Ethyl mercaptan is the chemical is added to LPG to detect leakage. 

The hydrocarbons in a gaseous form is called Natural gas. Methane is the major component in compressed natural gas. Natural gas fossil fuel is causes least pollution.

     ✓ Main content of gobar gas - Methane

     ✓ Major components of Bio gas - Methane

     ✓ Methane was discovered by - Alexandro Volta

The process of slow decomposition of organic compounds brought about by enzymes is known as Fermentation. The chemical commonly used for preserving biological specimen is Formaldehyde. Protein is composed of Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen and oxygen.

• Nitric acid is used to identify the presence of protein.

• Benedict's solution is used to detect glucose in urine.

• Benedict's solution us a mixture of Alkaline solution of Copper sulphate and Sodium Citrate.

• Kevlar is the meterial for breaking bullet proof dresses

Organic chemistry has numerous practical applications, including the development of new drugs, materials, and technologies, as well as in areas such as agriculture, food production, and environmental science.