
• Kidneys are bean shaped organs.
• Function of Kidneys - Excretion
• The functional unit of Kidney is - Nephron
• Kidneys act as filters of the body.
        √ About 110 ml of blood circulates through the kidney per minute.
        √ 1 ml of Glomerular filtrate become urine in kidney per minute.
• The blood vessels which carries blood to kidney - Renal vein
• Each adult kidney weighs about - 150 grams
• The cup shaped part of the nephron is called Bowman's capsule.
• The capillaries of the Bowman's capsule is glomerulus.
• The hormone which regulates the amount of water excreted through urine is - 
            Vasopressin (ADH)

    √ The organ which purifies blood is - Lungs
    √ The organ which purifies blood by filtration is - Kidney
• Organ responsible for the removal of excess water, salts and waste products from the blood in the form of urine - Kidney
• Conditions in which both kidneys fails to function - Uremia 
• Presence of excessive amount of urea in the blood is called - Uremia
• Presence of hemoglobin in urine -                              Heamoglobinuria
• Presense of excess of proteins in urine -                   Proteinuria
• Presence of glucose in urine - Glycosuria
• Presence of ketone bodies in urine -                          Ketonurnia
• Urea is removed from the blood by -                           Kidneys
• The volume of urine produced in an adult human being for every 24 hours is - 1.5 litres.
• The pigment which gives yellow colour to the urine is - Urochrome
     √ The study of kidney is known as                                 - Nephrology
     √ Surgical removal of kidney is called                         -  Nephrectomy
     √  Inflammation of kidney due to infection                 -  Nephritis
      √ Nephritis is also known as 
               -  Bright's disease
•  The major hormones secreted by the kidneys are - Erythropoietin and renin
• Erythropoietin stimulates production of red blood cell ( erythropoiesis ) in the bone marrow.
• Renin helps in the regulation of aldosterone levels.
• Ultrafiltration of the kidney is done with the help of the hormone - Renin
• Presence of stone or insoluble mass of crystallized salts formed within the kidney
        - Renal calculi
• Chemically kidney stone is 
         - Calcium Oxalate
• Pain created by the stone of kidney is 
         - Renal Colic
• Treatment using Ultrasound waves to break up kidney stones in to small pieces
         - Lithotripsy
• The organ effected by the poison of viper is 
         - Kidney

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